Why you need to keep this one secret

I’m all for transparency. Transparency, unless we’re talking about David Lee Roth’s stagewear circa 1984, is a good thing: it’s a linchpin of trust and communication, and you know that at some point somewhere, no matter how many scary-looking, spiky charts the company accountant shows you, it all boils down to trust and communication. Still, some secrets… Continue reading Why you need to keep this one secret

The Ultimate Expert

Not me. You. OK, me. But it’s me, telling you it’s you. But wait – before both our brains boggle themselves into total fritz-out, let me backtrack just a tad. Last month, and against all common sense (it was just before Christmas) I ran my inaugural Content Marketing Strategy for Small Business workshop which, by… Continue reading The Ultimate Expert

Become dispensable. You heard me.

OK, I’m back. Did you miss me? No? Good. Why? Read on. January blogs and posts are normally variants on “It’s a brand new start!” or “Make the new year your best year yet!” There’s nothing wrong with these – goodness knows I’ve done them before, albeit with a twist – but after being away, I’ve been… Continue reading Become dispensable. You heard me.