You don’t need better communication.

As far as quotes go, it’s right up there, leading the charge for favourite question during the annual Classic Movie Trivia Night at the local pub: the Captain, a tyrannical prison warden, has just whomped Paul Newman’s Luke over the head for being sarcastic, leaving him collapsed and reeling, and then suggests the problem is… Continue reading You don’t need better communication.

Be there.

It happens to me all the time: if I’m not brought into a company 18 months after they’ve been struggling with some aspect of their communication, then I’m being brought in, like this time, after they’ve been struggling for six. What was it this time? Six months, two marketing execs, and countless meetings later, they… Continue reading Be there.

Give them rice!

It was a heartbreaking situation. A dear friend, who worked for a community organisation, had placed an Asian child – it could have been any war-torn Asian country – with a foster parent in rural Australia, and the child was going downhill, fast. She didn’t talk. She didn’t smile. She didn’t play. And she didn’t… Continue reading Give them rice!