What happens when you think no one’s watching

Last week I caught up with three friends and colleagues I hadn’t seen for months. It was great: we chatted, laughed, workshopped ideas, and gave potted histories of our businesses the past few months. Then two of us shared something in common: the biggest contracts we’ve both had this year came out of the blue.… Continue reading What happens when you think no one’s watching

What Pringles can teach you about innovation, creativity and problem solving

When you get stuck, remember Pringles. I’m thinking of Pringles right now, as I prepare for one of the biggest corporate training gigs I’ve ever had. Customising my training program to this organisation’s very specific needs, for so many people, means that I am almost starting from scratch, and I need to give shape to… Continue reading What Pringles can teach you about innovation, creativity and problem solving

Don’t miss the chameleon!

Did I tell you about the video of the lizard thingie I saw a couple of weeks ago? OK – let me tell you about the lizard thingie. A friend posted a video that was greeted by many, “Wow!” “Cool!” and “Amazing!” comments. It featured a lizard thingie crawling on a bench, and someone putting… Continue reading Don’t miss the chameleon!