Book excerpt: Why trust is important

I spent two weeks in Tasmania writing the first few chapters of my book. It was a productive, enlightening time, punctuated by many self-fives because it’s cranking along, it’s good, and I’ve had several victories, including interviews with people who are world-renown authorities on what I’m writing about. So today, because of my sheer chuffedness,… Continue reading Book excerpt: Why trust is important

If you can language it, you can have it

So Barbie has got in on the entrepreneur act and is telling us that if you can dream it, you can be it (except for, one presumes, the owner of a healthy, normally proportioned body). I’ll pay that, mildly, with a not-too-enthusiastic clap and a bit of a nod. No more, because the idea of dreaming as… Continue reading If you can language it, you can have it

Ten reasons to keep a journal

I’m going on my trip to Tasmania next week, and a trip always means one thing to me: a journal. I love it. The journal records far more than the trip: it becomes, in years to come, a trip itself. Journals of different kinds – writer’s journal, gratitude journal, daily journal – have been faithful companions… Continue reading Ten reasons to keep a journal