A Hack’s Key Takeaways From The 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer (and how they apply to you and your business)

The hack is me. Please: don’t get offended on my behalf. After all, my status as a hack allows me to pore over the information and stats in the latest Edelman Trust Barometer without vested interest. It also means that instead of being all serious and cerebral like, I can read it while wrapped in… Continue reading A Hack’s Key Takeaways From The 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer (and how they apply to you and your business)

What clickbait is costing you

Let me paint you a picture of what happened this week. And you understand that this is a figure of speech, because I can’t post an actual picture for reasons you’ll soon understand. A status update on my LinkedIn feed said, “Solve this, and we will offer you a great job in a top IT… Continue reading What clickbait is costing you