Business storytelling, part #1: How to transform your business and people with stories

This blog begins my four-part series on business storytelling. Enjoy, share, and if you are interested in my business storytelling workshops, get in touch. Despite the linear, objective thinking that drives much of business communication, linear, objective communication often fails woefully. For example, take our current Treasurer (she says, stopping short of adding the word… Continue reading Business storytelling, part #1: How to transform your business and people with stories

Book excerpt: Why trust is important

I spent two weeks in Tasmania writing the first few chapters of my book. It was a productive, enlightening time, punctuated by many self-fives because it’s cranking along, it’s good, and I’ve had several victories, including interviews with people who are world-renown authorities on what I’m writing about. So today, because of my sheer chuffedness,… Continue reading Book excerpt: Why trust is important